The Virtual World:In spite of the difficulties that the Corona Virus has caused, the Lord has continued to bless and use the churches in Bolivia. They are still not allowed to have any kind of gathering or services, so they are still meeting online. At first everything was pre-recorded but the people were really missing the fellowship that they had in church so they started … [Read more...]
July Prayer Letter
Praise to the Lord:We have much that we can praise the Lord for during this past month. We Have Arrived:First, after more than a month of waiting, we were able to get tickets to fly back to the US to start our furlough. After the quarantine was extended and the borders maintained closed, the first of June, the Bolivian airline planned a series of repatriation flights and we … [Read more...]
June Prayer Letter
The Good and the Bad:Here in Bolivia we had been in strict quarantine since the later part of March, not being able to leave our homes but one day a week to get supplies. There were no cars allowed on the road so we had to walk or take a bike to the grocery store to buy things. It was kind of humorous because the only bike that we had was my daughter Grace’s, which was pink … [Read more...]
May Prayer Letter
Trust in the Lord:One of the most important things that a missionary must learn, to make it on the mission field, and to be able to adapt to culture, would be patience. This word would be synonymous with trusting in the Lord and His timing. In times like we are facing today, the key is the same, we must patiently trust in the Lord. The result of not trust in Him is anxiety and … [Read more...]
Shar-a-thon (Investing in Eternity)
I would like to personally invite you to tune in and pray for this special event that will take place from tomorrow, Friday the 1st at 6:00am until Saturday the 2nd and 12:00 midnight. The goal is to build the Center for World Evangelism, where many missionaries will be trained to take the gospel to the world. If you are looking for a place to invest in eternity, I know of no … [Read more...]