This past week we had what was one of our best and probably most important conferences of the year. This was our fourth mission’s conference that we have had at the church. Our conference was entitled “The World in your Hands”. We wanted to focus on Acts 1:8 and reaching our Jerusalem (Cochabamba) Judea (Bolivia) Samaria (South America) and to the Uttermost (The World). We had a different group for each service where we focused on one of these areas. Their job was three fold: Show the need in the area that they were responsible for and a plan of how to better reach the area and finally they had to give an opportunity for everyone to get involved. Each group did a great job and there was great attendance each service. We had with us, preaching the conference Pastor Miguel Murillo and also with him Pastor Wilber Hallasi both from Peru. Pastor Miguel is the director of the Macedonia Baptist Bible College in Peru and is always a blessing when he comes to be with us. Today (Sunday) we were able to collect the Faith Promise cards as the finalization of our mission’s conference. Prior to this the church was giving close to $100 a month to missions. When I tallied up the cards today we had over $200 promised to Faith Promise missions. We praise the Lord for this great response not only in giving money but also in volunteering to pray for and even visit many places around us that don’t have the gospel.