It is wonderful to see people with a desire to serve the Lord and it is always encouraging when people step up with a desire to discover and use the talents the He gives them. One of the areas in our church that this has been most evident is the music ministry. For some time now we have had as many as 8 or 10 that have been helping, learning and participating with the music. During several of the conferences that we have had they have prepared several special songs on their own. For our family conference we had 10 that played a variety of instruments from the guitar to pan pipes, which are bamboo tubes of varying sizes tied together to makes the different notes. Some of those that help are now even teaching others how to play some of the instruments. While not all are cut out for music each of us have a specific place to fill in the body of Christ. Each of us, have abilities and talents that can be used to serve in the church. The last Saturday of this past month we had a talent night to let some of those that don’t always get to participate use the abilities that the Lord has given them. Some sang while others played instruments and some put together skits that shared the gospel. I was really surprised to see the excitement and participation even from many family members that came to support their children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. We had close to a hundred that were there, many of which were visiting the church for the first time. Not only did they hear some great and some not so great music, but also they heard the gospel, which could change their lives.