It is always encouraging to see people reached with the gospel that haven’t been reached before. Pastor Lorenzo Laura and his family have been working in the northern part of Bolivia in a city called Cobija for almost nine years. They have been doing a great work and Lord has been blessing them as they reach out into other towns and villages. Their first church is named Jireh Baptist Church in the city of Cobija which is the capital of the region. From there they have reached out to another town that is a few hours away called Buyuyo. One of the men in their church went to this rural jungle area with his job and since there was no church their he started meeting with some of the teenagers and having services. From that Pastor Lorenzo began traveling to the town a couple of times a month and they have started a church there. This church has grown very quickly and they have built a small building that they are meeting in. The man that started the church is taking classes in the Bible College in Cobija with Pastor Lorenzo to prepare for the ministry and is leading most of the services. Recently they have made a couple of visits to an area that is several more hours from them to a small village where there is a tribe of people called the Machineri people. This a jungle area that borders the country of Brasil so the people speak both spanish and Portuguese. Pastor Lorenzo and the men that traveled with him were astonished as the people were hungry for the word and thirteen people accepted Christ. They almost immediately began to ask for Bibles so that they could begin to read. The hope is to continue visiting this village and establish a church there in the new furture. We want to thank each of you that support our ministry here in Bolivia because when you do, more people like these can hear the gospel and churches can be established. Here are a few pictures first of the church in Buyuyo and then the new area that is being reached.