I just got word of another special offering from one of our supporting churches, the Cornerstone Baptist Church in TN for $1159.00. This is a great blessing to see how the Lord continues to work and bring the money in to pay for our land here. We have about $45,000 left to completely pay the land off and are trusting that the Lord will continue to provide for this need. I am very grateful for all who have given and know that it is an investment that will pay great dividends. If we invest in things here in this life, even though they are things that we can enjoy, they are things that will only last while here. If we invest in the work of the Lord we know that it will last for all eternity. With one small investment many people can come to know Christ as their Savior and more church will be started so that even more will hear the gospel and be saved. We may never know the full results of our sacrifice this side of heaven but one day we will.
If you would like to invest in eternity and help us reach this goal write me at kwhite@goreachtheworld.org and send to;
Macedonia World Baptist Mission
C/O Bolivia Land Fund
P.O. Box 519
Braselton GA 30517
Thanks and Lord Bless