Special Christmas Offering:
As this year comes to and end and Christmas is fast approaching I am sure you can reflect back on all the blessings that the Lord has brought and also the blessings that this Christmas season will bring. Here in Bolivia I can honestly say that although there have been some trials that the Lord has blessed us beyond measure. As you know we started our second church and things are going great. Also we have seen many visitors at our first church with new families coming and many getting involved in the different ministries. One of the greatest blessings and also challenges has been the land that we are purchasing for our church. We are right at half way through paying it off with only around $40,000 left and we are hoping to get it taken care of as soon as possible. I would like to ask you to pray for us as we are planning a special Christmas offering where between now and the first of the year we hope to raise $20,000 which would get us half way to our goal of paying off what we owe. This is a huge challenge but we are trusting the Lord and know that many hands make light work. Would you consider taking a Christmas offering to help meet this goal? If you would like to help please let me know be writing at kwhite@goreachtheworld.org or call at 336-499-2585. Please send all offering to our support address on our letterhead.
The Lord’s Blessing:
I wanted to give a quick update about the new church that we started recently in an area of our city called Quillacollo. We have had services now for three weeks and the Lord has blessed us greatly. Each Sunday morning service we have had right at 30 people attending with several visitors. We have also had two visitors from the English classes that we are teaching, and one of them has come to almost all of the services. Several others from our English class have shown interest so we are praying that they will visit the church soon. The people of the church are very excited and working to bring more people all the time. I would like to ask you to pray for this new work and also for me as this has made for a very busy schedule. I am preaching in Quillacollo at 9:30 am on Sundays and then leave as soon as we finish to preach at 11:00 in Cochabamba. I am alternating between the two on Sunday nights preaching in one church while one of the guys preaches at the other. Then during the week I am preaching on Wednesday in Cochabamba and then Thursday in Quillacollo. Pray that we will see people saved and leaders trained for the God’s glory.
Special Request:
I would like to ask you pray for us as missionaries and the country of Bolivia. As you might know the government here has been passing more and more laws all the time that controls or hinders the churches. Recently we got word that the law was being changed and that they were no longer going to give visas for missionaries or volunteers, which would mean that no on else could come to Bolivia as a missionary. This was very concerning for us because of how it might affect us in the future. Thankfully we got news afterwards that the government changed the law back for now and is going to continue accepting missionaries, but we are not sure what this might mean for the further. Please pray that the Lord’s will be done and that the doors will continue to stay open here for not only us but so that more missionaries might come in the future.
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for our English classes so that more of them will visit our church.
2. Pray for our upcoming youth camp in January.
3. Pray for our country so that the gospel will continue to be preached.
4. Pray for the need for laborers here in Bolivia.