Be Thankful for Every Day:
In the ministry there are always people who face times of great difficulty or tragedy and times when as a pastor/missionary that we have to help them. When we help those people, especially when it comes to facing death, it can really open your eyes to how fragile life is and how we should always be thankful for every day that we have. This past month we got a call from a young man who has family that lives on the outskirts of our city in a small town. His brother’s baby that was one year old had somehow turned a pot of boiling water on her and she died. They had no one to help them with the funeral and especially to give them spiritual council. We were able to meet with them and have a small ceremony at the cemetery, singing some songs and I preached a message to the family. It was truly difficult to hear the cries and pleading to have their baby back. I tried to help them to look to the Lord and trust Him as Savior of their lives so that they could see her again someday. Then the next day on Sunday a family showed up during service wanting us to pray for their baby that was two years old, because she was very sick. We later found out that they had been looking for a faith healing church in hopes that the pastor could heal their baby. After service we met with them and prayed for the baby, but in the process we realized that she was already unresponsive. We called a taxi and sent them directly to the hospital but it was too late. She had been sick for more than a week and they had tried to cure her with home remedies and witchcraft. All I could think about was my own children and how the Lord has protected us in so many instances and that I am going to be thankful for every day that the Lord gives me with those around me. Please pray for these families and that we can continue to reach them. The father of the second baby accepted Christ as his Savior and we are going to be visiting them on Fridays to try and disciple them.
Quick Update:
I want to thank all of you who are praying for and have helped us with the need to finish paying for the land that we are purchasing for our church. We still have a long way to go but are trusting the Lord to provide. We just heard form Cornerstone Baptist Church, one of our supporters and they gave $1000 to help. I would like to ask you to do two things for us. First, Pray. Pray fervently that the Lord will touch hearts and provide the money that we lack. Second, Give. Consider giving an offering to help meet this need. I think often that many think that if they don’t give a large amount that it won’t help. If everyone reading this letter were to give even a small offering it could help us reach our goal even before June. If you would like to give please send to; Vision Baptist Missions, P.O. Box 442, Alpharetta, Ga 30009.
As you hopefully read in the special letters that we sent out recently, the Lord has given us the opportunity to be part of our home churches mission board and have them handle our mission’s support. We want to make sure that you received that information and also to let you know that any support, mail or correspondence should be sent to the same address. That address is; Vision Baptist Missions, P.O. Box 442, Alpharetta Ga 30009. You can still contact us by Email at or by phone; 336-499-2585. If you have any questions please let us know
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for the many families that have lost loved ones and are hurting and need the Lord.
2. Pray that the Lord will provide the remaining $40,000 to pay off our land.
3. Pray for many areas of Bolivia that are flooded because of the rainy season.
4. Pray for me as I will be traveling to the north of Bolivia next month.