Today as we were on our way to the bank to pay the final $3,000 for our loan, we received a call from a family to let us know that they were giving the remaining money that we lacked. What a great blessing from the Lord to have reached our goal and to have the land now payed for. We want to thank each and every one of you that have prayed and given to help make this possible. Just to give you a perspective, $30,000 was given before we purchased the land and $70,000 has been given in a little more than a years time making a total of $100,000 that God’s people have given all together. We can truly say that God is faithful and His blessing are beyond our comprehension. We now hope to help the church some with their construction so that they can have bathrooms and the basics that they need for services. Once again, thank you for all that you have done for us.