Big Thanks:
It is truly a joy during this time of year to spend time with family and friends and give thanks. We give thanks for the turkey and stuffing and our families, but more than that we give thanks for all that the Lord has done and continues to do in our lives. For more than a year now we have been raising the funds to purchase land for one of our churches in Bolivia. It has been a long road and a test of our faith but the Lord has provided and we now have the land payed for. We want to thank each and every one of you for the great sacrifice and generosity given to allow us to reach this goal. I know that the Lord will bless you greatly and add fruit to your account. You can know that their is a church in Bolivia that now has it’s own land, a permanent place to have services and preach the gospel and from there the light of the gospel can shine to the uttermost parts of the earth. We would like to ask you to continue to pray for the church now as they work to build the actual church building. They now have the roof and part of the walls and are preparing to pour the concrete floor. This past month they had a special activity where they were abel to raise $200 – $300 to go towards the construction. Once again we would like to say thanks, first to the Lord and also to you for your love towards us and the ministry in Bolivia.
Taking Flight:
We have all probably heard the story of the momma bird pushing the babies out of the nest to teach them to fly. As we apply that to our lives, and with our children, it can be very difficult and scary. We want the best for them and don’t want to see them fall flat. Well we haven’t reached that time in our lives with our own children but we have experienced it with our spiritual children. Although they may not be our flesh and blood, it can be just a difficult to “push them out of the nest” so to speak, and hope that they fly. One of the benefits of taking a furlough is to allow the pastors and people of the churches to learn to stand on their own. Just like with your own children, you work hard to prepare them the best you can for that day, but then you just have to hand them over to the Lord and encourage them and pray for them from a distance. This is what we have done with the churches in Bolivia and we praise the Lord that they have definitely taken flight. This past month we were able to visit Bolivia for a week to see how things were going and to encourage the people and also participate in a wedding of one of the pastors. It was truly a blessing to see how the pastors were carrying the load and leading the people just as we hoped. It was really encouraging to see new people in both churches and new people getting involved and helping in the different ministries. No doubt they have and will continue to face trials and difficulty, but we trust the Lord that they will be able to continue on, reaching many people for the Lord.
Wedding Bells:
As I mentioned, we were able to be in Bolivia this past month to celebrate the wedding of one of the pastors, Pablo and his wife Evelyn. Being in the ministry, we understand the importance of having a good help mete and encourager. Because Evelyn is from Peru they had the wedding ceremony there for Pablo’s family and then traveled to Peru to have a second ceremony for Evelyn’s family. We are very excited for them and would like to ask you to pray for them and the pastors in Bolivia.
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for Pablo and Evelyn as they start their new lives as newlyweds and work in the church in Quillacollo.
2. Pray for the upcoming youth camp in Bolivia this January that lives will be changed.
3. Pray for the Our Generation Summit coming up this Dec 31 – Jan 2 that many would surrender to missions.
4. Pray for the construction of our new church building as the rainy season will begin soon.