I heard it said once, that you don’t really learn something until you teach it to someone else. This can be seen clearly in the ministry, and specifically in missions. Our ministry verse is 2 Timothy 2:2, which shows us that our goal has to be to train up leaders with the goal that they will in turn train up more leaders. Especially at this stage in our ministry, I can see the importance of not only trying to reach new people, but to also continue to prepare and train the men and pastors that are working with us. That is why we are planning a couple times a year, a pastor’s and leaders training time to help continue their preparation. This past week we had a pastor, friend of ours come and visit that has a ministry called ENW “Equipping Nationals Worldwide”. During the week he taught four hours each day on Church Administration, focusing on having biblical goals, managing the pastor’s time, and how to identify and organize leadership in the church. I believe it was a very profitable time with the men in the ministry here and will help them to be more prepared to teach the next generation of leaders. Please pray for the pastors and men that we are working with and that the Lord will continue to raise up leaders here in Bolivia.