One of our greatest desires as missionaries is to help train people to serve the Lord. That is what we do on a regular basis here in the ministry, but with a program that our home church has, we have had the opportunity to do the same with American students that are preparing for the ministry. It is a program where students that have finished their class requirements, spend six months on the mission field, doing their internship. They can choose from different countries around the world where we have missionaries serving. The idea is that they can get hands on preparation for the ministry in things like cultural adaptation and church planting. Well, for the past six months we had intern Andrew Wilder with us learning and helping in the ministry. During his time here he spent most mornings in language school learning the Spanish Language. Then in the afternoons we would spend time together going over mission’s books that he was reading. He also spent time helping in the church in different areas like children’s ministry, youth ministry, outreach ministry etc. Not only do I believe it was a great time of learning for him, but he was a great blessing to us while here. The last few weeks, before his departure, he was able to travel to several of the main cities in Bolivia to see the different cultures and the need for the gospel. Well, like most good things they must come to and end. Andrew is now back in the US and is making preparations for the next step the Lord has for him. He will now be choosing a mission field and starting to raise his support to be able to return to the field and start his ministry. I would like to ask you to pray for him during this time of transition and for the big decisions he will be making.