Our goal as a ministry has always been to train people to serve the Lord. One of the keys to that is not only training them but also training them to train others. As our ministry has grown, we have tried to focus more on providing training opportunities for those in ministry here and those that are preparing for the ministry. For the second year now, this past week we had Bro. Bill Hill come and give that training opportunity. He has a ministry called Equipping Nationals Worldwide where he travels to different countries and teaches different modular courses. This year we started with Unit One where we learned important truths like “The Mission of the Church, and “The Sufficiency of the Scriptures”. Not only did we learn the doctrinal principle, but also how it should change our lives and ministries. We had close to fourteen pastors and students that attended the classes each day. On Sunday we were able to visit several of the churches that we have here, where we learned about what biblical change looks like. It was truly a blessed time and we are very thankful to Bro. Bill and his sacrifice to come and help us train the next generation. Please pray for him and his ministry.