As we try and reach out to many in the neighborhood where we are working, in our new church, we have used a number of activities to get to now them and get the gospel to them. One of those activities has been our English classes that we were offering on Thursday nights. Well this past month they finally came to an end and we had the graduation service at the church on a Sunday morning. Although the number attending the classes had gone down quite a bit we still had 12 that came to the service with several bringing family members to see them graduate. The whole church service was focused on the graduation where we first recognized their achievement and then had a special messages where I preached on how to get rid of the burden of sin through Jesus Christ. Afterwards we had them come up one by one and receive their certificates, and then took pictures individually and as a group. At the end we had refreshments for everyone, and a time of fellowship where those from the English class were able to get to know the people of the church. In all, it was a great day and we had 3 from the English classes that made a professions of faith.
One of the main focuses of our ministry has always been helping people grow in their spiritual lives, and one of the ways we help them grow is through discipleship. Discipleship is usually thought of as going through a set of basic lessons with the person and then they have been discipled. While we do go through lessons with them, discipleship is much more than that. It is helping that person grow and change in their daily walk. While the lessons teach them the doctrinal truths, the key is showing them how to live out those truths in their lives. The difference that this makes can be seen in two people in our church that my wife and daughter Grace have been discipling. Esperanza (Hope) was a lady that had gotten saved in our church and has been meeting with Beth on a weekly basis. She has grown tremendously and is now starting to teach in our children’s ministry. Her step daughter, Yesenia was on the verge of committing suicide when she came to church for the first time. She also trusted Christ, and Grace has just finished the discipleship lessons with her. Yesenia comes to almost every service and is now inviting her friends to come to church. I am very proud of both Beth and Grace and the impact they have had on the lives of others.
Getting Done:
We praise the Lord for how He has been blessing pastor Isaac and the first church that we planted here in Bolivia. The church is growing and seeing people saved on a regular basis. They are also continuing to work on their building, and have now raised the funds and installed the lighting in the auditorium. The next big step that they are working toward, to finish the auditorium, is the tile floor and carpeting for the stage. The tile floor will cost around $1500 total for materials and labor and around another $500 for the carpet and trim for the stage. If you would like to help them with this need, please let us know and send to Vision Baptist Missions, P.O. Box 442 Alpharetta GA 30009.
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for our first church that we started and their construction.
2. Pray for Bible college classes that start again this month.
3. Pray for Bolivia and the political situation and how it could affect the church.
4. Pray for our upcoming youth conference in the month of July.