Bolivia has long been a country of much political and social unrest. It is one of few countries that has had as many coup attempts as the amount of years it has existed. They have had over 190 coup attempts and revolutions in 191 years. In recent years the government has taken a swing from the more right wing conservative government to a left wing socialist government, much like that of Venezuela. This past Sunday we had one of our most controversial elections for president that the country has ever had. Although the president has completed his two maximum terms that was allowed by law, the constitution was changed so he ran again for a third term. There has been a lot of controversy also because there are a lot of accusations of fraude and manipulation with the results. As of yesterday the president won the elections by less than a tenth of a point. If it had been less, there would be a run off in December where it would only be the top two candidates. If that had been the case the current president would lose, so that is why he had to win outright from the start. Since this past Sunday we have had strikes in every city with blockades and violence. Today they lifted the blockades so that the people could get out and by food etc. They are supposed to start again this afternoon and be indefinite until the president resigns or agrees to the runoff. Praise the Lord that we are fine and all stoked up with food and the things that we need. We are cautious but not without hope trusting in the Lord and praying for our country. There are a few things that come to mind in times like this that help us and give us this hope.
1. God is in Control
It might seem like a cliche but it is in times like this that it rings true and must be our confidence. We know that this will work out for the good of God’s people and the church here. The confidence is that we know and trust God’s hand is on us and this situation.
2.His Will be Done
We are also trusting that the Lord’s will be done. As I mentioned, we are being cautious and monitoring that situation but so far we don’t feel like we are in any danger or threat. Therefore we trust the Lord and seek His will be done not only in this situation but also in our country.
3.His Church will not be Defeated
We have the wonderful promise in the Word of God that not even the gates of hell will prevail against His church. We even see that often in times of trial and persecution is when the church flourishes most. We pray that this will wake the church and move them to action.
4.We Have His Protection
I could tell you story after story of how God has protected us in times of danger from we started our ministry up until now. I have no reason to doubt His faithfulness and protecting hand over us.
So we ask you to pray for Bolivia that things can be resolved as soon as posible so that the people don’t suffer because of the violence. Also pray that not matter what the resultas are with elections that His church will stay firm and ready to fulfill His will.