We are amazed at what the Lord has done, and how His people have responded to helping us raise the money to purchase land for our second church. We are now coming down to the deadline and only have a few weeks to make the final payment. With a little more that $11,000 left, we can see the finish line in sight, and would like to ask you to pray that we can raise the remainder of this amount before the deadline. When you invest in this church land, it is not only a piece of dirt and bricks on it. When you invest, you are investing in changing lives for all eternity. Over the next few weeks we will be sending videos of testimonies of people who have been impacted and how they are beginning to impact the lives of others. If you would like help reach more people and help us meet our goal and make it to the finish line, we ask you to do a couple of things for us. If you could let us know that you are giving through Email or a call, (ktwbmw73@gmail.com / 336-499-2585) this will help us anticipate getting the money to Bolivia because it takes a week or so for it to arrive. Then you can send it to the address below. Thank you for investing in the lives of many for eternity.
Vision Baptist Missions
℅ Bolivia Land Fund
P.O. Box 442
Alpharetta GA 30009