As a missionary to Bolivia it always saddens me to hear about the corruption and deceit that often takes place in the Bolivian government. In a recent news article, Bolivia’s former socialist president, Evo Morales, was accused of having several relationships with, and fathering children with sixteen year old girls. He was also accused of tampering with last years election and there was also an audio recording of him telling the people of his group, to starve out the people of the cities until they gave in, and let him return. While these things sadden me, it doesn’t surprise me, because it is something that is very common, in one way or another, in most politics in Latin America. What it does show, and convicts me about, is the true need for the gospel in Bolivia. I heard it said once that if you want to know the condition of a country, or a people, just look at the government that they elected. I think that if we are ever going to see a difference, and change in Bolivia, it will not be accomplished through changing the politics, or the politicians. The only hope is reaching its people with the gospel, and when they are changed by the gospel, then the government they elect will change and the very condition in the country will change. So we would like to ask you to pray that the gospel will go forth to Bolivia and truly make a difference in their lives. Pray for us as we seek to reach them and start churches. Pray that the Lord will supply the support we need to do even more and that He will raise up many more laborers for the harvest in Bolivia.