The political situation in Bolivia, South America has been anything but stable over the past year. This time last year, the previous president, that represented the socialist party, was ousted by the people, because he was attempting to run for a third term that the constitution did not allow for and there was also suspected fraud. Because of Covid, the elections had been postponed, until this past Sunday when they were able to vote for who would lead the country for the next five years. The vote was between the former leftwing socialist party and a group of different political parties that represented the rightwing conservatives. To the surprise of many, the socialist party won by a large margin and will begin the transition to regain power over the next few months.
As missionaries working in Bolivia, we were concerned about this election, but all the time praying and trusting the Lord. Our desire, whatever the results, was that it would lead to the progress of the gospel and His work in Bolivia. In the past we have been able to continue doing ministry in Bolivia, but with increasing control over the churches. With our government being very similar to that of Venezuela, we have been praying that it would not affect us in our ministry there. As we move forward, we continue to trust the Lord, that He will indeed use all this for His honor and glory, and for the progress of the gospel in Bolivia. It does however give a sense of urgency as we know, the same as anywhere else, that our time is always limited for what we do for the Lord. It also gives us an urgency to pray for more laborers to Bolivia and many countries in Latin America that are quickly headed towards socialism. Please continue to pray with us, that Christ might be lifted up in Bolivia and around the world.