The Bible tells us in the book of Ecclesiastes that there is no knew thing under the sun. This can be seen clearly when it comes to the spiritual condition of our world and specifically in Bolivia where they have the mix of colonial Catholicism and Andean Animism (worshiping object principally in nature). I have been to a Catholic Church in Bolivia where they have the statue of the Virgen Mary that they worship in the front of the church and a cave in the back where they offer sacrifices to apease Satan. In recent events, this has been brought to life again as the new president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, prepared to take office. He participated in an ancient indigenous ceremony, at the site of what is thought to be one of the most sacred Inca ruins, called Tiwanaku. This just shows the pagan roots that run deep in Bolivia, all the way up to it’s leading officials. In the city of Cochabamba, where we work, every first Friday of the month, you can smell incense wherever you go, as people offer this sacrifice to the Mother Earth, hoping for blessings from her. Our desire is that the Bolivian people come to know the one true God that is the creator God, and that He wants to have a relationship with them. Would you please pray with us and for laborers that can go with us to reap the great harvest.