Over the years, one of the things that I have learned, is the importance of continuing to grow and learn about God’s word and serving Him. That is why we try to have a couple of opportunities each year so that pastors, and the men that we are training for the ministry, can continue to grow and prepare to be better servants of the Lord. For several years, except during the pandemic, we have had ENW (Equipping Nationals Worldwide) down to Bolivia to teach. ENW is a ministry of Bro. Bill Hill that teaches week long modular courses on things like, “Foundations for Biblical Counseling” and this year they taught “Foundations for Pastoral Preaching”. It was truly a great blessing for the men that we work with and some other pastors from our city that were able to attend. When we truly understand the sufficiency of the Scriptures and the principles that we must use to interpret the Bible we can stand before our people with the confidence that we are truly preaching the Word of God. These clases give theses pastors the tools that they need to accomplish more to reach our city and country with the gospel.