Here in South America we have to face many times difficulties and challenges. One of the difficulties that we face on a regular basis are strikes. During a strike roads are closed, and all transportation is stopped from going in or out of the city leaving it without out gas, meat and other necessities. The first part of this passed month the rural people from surrounding areas came into town protesting, seeking the recognition of the Governor of Cochabamba. After two days of rioting and burning buildings the people of the city decided to march against the disturbance. Before it was all over two people had lost their lives and over two hundred were injured. The military police finally intervened and a few days later the protesters left but promised to return. Since then everything has returned to normal and we thank Lord that He kept us safe during this time. The only thing that will be able to bring true peace to Bolivia is knowing new life in Christ. During all of this the Lord continues to bless in the church with many people making professions of faith and many becoming involved in discipleship.