This past week we had our third mission’s conference in the church. We had as our special speaker Miguel Murillo from Arequipa Peru. Miguel is the pastor of the Hunter Baptist Church, which is the first church that Bro. Austin Gardner founded when he started his ministry in Peru. He is also the director of the Macedonia Baptist Bible College located there in Arequipa. It was a great blessing to have him preach and challenge our people about World Evangelism. Our conference started on Thursday and went through Sunday night. Each night we had videos, special music and great preaching. Many responded to the invitation and we were able to exceed our faith promise from this past year. On Sunday morning we had more than a hundred and close to seventy on Sunday night. During the invitation several people raised their hand for salvation and two accepted Christ that night and tonight another guy came by to talk to me about salvation and he trusted the Lord. We pray that we can do more for missions every year because we know that this church is a product of missions.