Yesterday we started our II annual conference on Finances. As our special speaker for the conference we invited Bro. Jose Zapata from Peru to be with us. He has been in management positions in several different companies including two banks. He has a tremendous knowledge of finances and has been teaching on the subject for many years. Our conference is from Friday to Sunday with a special business breakfast on Saturday morning. We were able to invite many people from businesses,schools, and friends and family to participate. Each service has been a tremendous blessing with tons of visitors and decisions. Friday night we had around 70 people for the first service and then close to 80 in the breakfast this morning. Tonight we thought the attendance would be down because of it being Saturday but we ended up with the highest attendance with more than 80 present. Tonight was a special service with 5 people receiving the Lord and many people making decisions to get out of debt. Tomorrow will be the end of the service and we are expecting a great day in the Lord. Pray for these last three services that many people make decisions for the Lord.